Bamidbar / Num. 1:1-4:20

Haftarah: Hoshea 1:10-2:20

Brit Hadashah: Matittiyahu / Mt. 4:1-17

Bamidbar means “in the steppe of” or “in the desert of“.

The Book of Bamidbar, or Number as we know it, deals especially with the forty years of the people of Israel’s journey through the desert, until their arrival at the plains of Moab, east of the Yarden / Jordan, near their access to the longed-for Promised Land.

Two Censuses

Our sages also call it “The Book of Censuses”, because at the end of the Book another census is taken and for this reason, it is also called “Numbers”.

The first census was taken in the Sinai desert, and the second census before entering the Promised Land.

We also see in this Book the history of the two generations of the people of Israel.

The First Generation, I do not enter. The Second Generation, they were less, but they entered. It was written around 1405 BCE, practically in the last year of Moshe’s life. It covers a period from the 2nd year they left Mitzraim / Egypt, until the 40 years of their departure from Mitzraim (about 38 years of history).

The book of Vayikra / Leviticus was written in a month. The main Theme of this Sefer/Book is “A call to holiness”.

All the ordinances were given to the Levites (kohanim) in relation to sacrifices. And here in Bamidbar’s book, Israel’s path to Sinai continues. From chapter 1 to 10:10: The people of Israel continue to camp at Sinai. Then the camp begins to advance, to move, it leaves for Moab, then to Jericho and from there they enter the promised land.

Various Stories

1. The punishment given to Moshe.

2. The rebellion of the people of Israel.

3. The beginning of the entrance to the Promised Land

4. The story of Joshua and Caleb.

Two Generations

The first generation who were unbelievers, who rebelled against HaShem and therefore did not enter the promised land. And the second generation who are the children of the first generation, this if they believed and these if they entered the promised land. From chapter 1 to 14: It is the story of the first generation. Of chap. 15 to 25: These two generations intersect. And from chap. 26 onwards (36): We have the story of the second generation.

Theological Topics

1. HaShem’s authority through Moshe.

2. HaShem judges the rebellion. We are going to see the great consequences of the rebellion.

3. HaShem is faithful. We are going to see that despite the rebellion HaShem is faithful to his pacts.

Two Million Israelis

There is no other document in history that states that there were other people with a similar or greater number that were on pilgrimage as much as the Israelites.

Shavuot / Pentecost

Ketuvá / Covenant / Marriage Agreement

Shemot / Ex. 19:1-8

How do you prepare a Hebrew wedding?

In Hebrew culture, the father of the groom is the one who prepares the wedding.

B’reshir / Gen. 15:9-21

The father of the groom makes a covenant/pact, with the father of the bride. They split some animals in half and walk through the middle of the sacrificed animals declaring the pact for both parties.

What do they say?

The groom’s father first passes through the slaughtered animals and says to the bride’s father:

If my son does not fulfill his role as a faithful father and husband with your daughter, May I suffer what happened to these animals.

Then the father of the bride passes through the middle of the sacrificed animals and says:

If my daughter does not fulfill her role as a faithful mother and wife with your son, May I suffer what happened to these animals.

They remember what happened to Avraham when he asked the Eternal for descendants.

B’reshit / Gen. 15:1-21 / (the entire chapter)

HaShem knew that Avraham was a man, and he was not going to be able to fulfill the covenant between the two parents. It is for this reason that a fiery torch, representing both parents, consumed the offered sacrifice. Then the father of the groom takes on the task of preparing the wedding. Choose a friend, not the groom, to visit the bride and give her some gifts.

What are these gifts for?

These gifts or talents are for the bride to prepare for the wedding.

What happens if the bride does not make good use of those gifts, which are given for a single purpose, the Wedding?

She does not marry.

They remember the Parable of the Lost Coin in Luke 15: 8-9

8 “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Don’t you light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until you find it?

And when she finds her, she gathers her friends and neighbors, and says to them: “Rejoice with me; I already found the coin that I had lost”.

You receive these gifts so that you can prepare for the wedding. HaShem chose Moshe as the friend to bring the Ketuvah to the bride to sign.

Shemot 19:1-8

1 The Israelites arrived in the desert of Sinai within three months of leaving Egypt.

2 After leaving Rephidim, they went into the desert of Sinai, and there in the desert they camped, in front of the mountain,

3 to which Moses went up to meet Elohim. And from there HaShem called him and said: «Announce this to the people of Yaakov; Declare this to the people of Israel:

4 “You are witnesses of what I did to Egypt, and that I have brought you to me as on the wings of an eagle.

5 If you are now completely obedient to me and keep my covenant, you will be my exclusive property among all nations. Although all the land belongs to me,

6 you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation”. Communicate all this to the Israelites.

7 Moses returned and summoned the elders of the people to explain to them all these words that the Eternal had ordered him to communicate to them,

8 and all the people responded with one voice: “We will do all that the Adonai has ordered us to do.” So, Moses brought the people’s response to HaShem.”

The bride signed the Ketuvah. Now the Father tells His son, the bridegroom, to prepare the abode where he will live with the wife.

John 14:2-3

In my Father’s house are many mansions; if not, I would have told you; So, I am going to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am, you may also be.

But I don’t know, you asked, when will the wedding be?

Who knows the date of the wedding?

Whoever is preparing the wedding knows when it is.

In Israel, when someone hears another say that they do not know the day or time, they know they are talking about a wedding. Also, it refers to the only feast of HaShem that falls on Rosh Chodesh or Head of the month, the month of Tishri or the seventh month in the Hebrew lunar calendar.

It is known in the scriptures as Yom Teruah or Day of blowing the Shofar. Also known in Jewish culture as Rosh Hashana or Head of the Year or beginning of the year.

Mark 13:32-33

32 “No one knows the day or the hour when I will come; not even the angels in heaven know. What is more, I don’t even know. My Father is the only one who knows.

33  “Therefore, be careful and be alert, because you do not know when I will return.

The Father will tell His friend to grasp the trumpet and announce the arrival of the bridegroom to lift the bride up and take her to the abode that the groom prepared.

Matthew 25:6

And at midnight a cry was heard: Here comes the bridegroom; come out to meet him!

Thess. 4:16-17

Also known in Jewish culture as Rosh Hashana or Head of the Year or beginning of the year.

(G#21) Marcos / Mark 13:32-33

32 »Nadie sabe el día ni la hora en que yo vendré; no lo saben ni siquiera los ángeles del cielo. Es más, ni yo lo sé. Mi Padre es el único que lo sabe.

32 “No one knows the day or the hour when I will come; not even the angels in heaven know. What is more, I don’t even know. My Father is the only one who knows.

(G#22) 33  »Por eso, tengan cuidado y estén alerta, porque no saben cuándo volveré.

33  “Therefore, be careful and be alert, because you do not know when I will return.

El Padre le dirá a Su amigo que agarre la trompeta y anuncie la llegada del novio para levantar a la novia y llevarla a la morada que el novio preparo.

The Father will tell His friend to grasp the trumpet and announce the arrival of the bridegroom to lift the bride up and take her to the abode that the groom prepared.

(G#23) Mateo / Matthew 25:6

Y a la medianoche se oyó un clamor: !!Aquí viene el esposo; salid a recibirle!

And at midnight a cry was heard: Here comes the bridegroom; come out to meet him!

(G#24) 1 Tes. / Thess. 4:16-17

16 For HaShem himself with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of Elohim, will descend from heaven; and the dead in Mashiach will rise first.

17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet HaShem in the air, and thus we will always be with HaShem.

Who is the Father of the Groom? HaShem

Who is the Groom? Yeshua

Who is the girlfriend? Israel

Who is the Friend? Rúaj Ha’Kodesh / Spirit of Holiness.

Let’s go to chap. 19 the verses of 10 and 11 Shemot:

10 And the Lord said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow. Have them wash their clothes 

What does it mean to wash your clothes? Examine ourselves and see if there is sin in us.

We must go into the waters and bury the old man of sin and come out of the waters as new creatures to serve HaShem with a sincere and humble heart.


Says seeing. 11 of chap. 19 we are studying:

11 and be ready by the third day, because on that day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.”

2 Peter 3:8

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 

We are coming to the third day, as NASA would say, there are 10 minutes left to finish the sixth day and enter the seventh day, Shabbat. Tomorrow is Shavuot. We have counted down the days to Shavuot.

Let’s go for a Great Blessing. May HaShem find us doing good and not evil.

Shabbat Shalom Mishpochah!


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